Meet Emily

Emily is an intuitive astrologer, dedicated advocate for the liberation of women and girls, co-host of The Fifth Element Podcast, and radical women’s health educator.

From a young age, Emily was drawn to understanding global female oppression, and committed myself to learn what she could do about the liberation of women and girls.

Emily first witnessed the sacred magic of women when she served as a live-in house manager of a homeless shelter for pregnant mothers and their babies. That was when she learned women need each other to thrive.

There’s a bond that connects all women; it’s the silent understanding and constant unpacking of the little ways our power has been stripped away, and Emily strives to serve as a reminder to reclaim it fully.


“Emily Bruce is a wise woman. She is committed to serving women in the most authentic way possible, and I feel blessed to have connected with her. Emily has helped me understand issues with my cycles, and has recommended treatments that were not only effective, but also had never been mentioned to me by my doctor. Emily is a deep fountain of wisdom, and her profound knowledge about cycles, fertility, and birth has been a gift to me and many other women. I would highly recommended her services to anyone who is seeking authentic care rooted in sisterhood”.

- Mary G.

“Unfortunately, so many resources that are understood to be ‘helpful’ that disempowered me, made me lost trust in my intuition, and separated me from my body’s natural ability to heal. Emily’s work has allowed me to reconnect to myself in the ways I’ve always longed to do. Learning from Emily has inspired me to take back autonomy over my body, break up with my birth control, and take necessary steps to undo the damage done by years of listening to ‘experts’ tell me what’s good for me. Now, I know what is best for me and my body, and Emily helps me lean into that knowledge and hold on to it, even when there is still so much pressure to surrender”.

-Glynnis H.